Join Me in a Visit to Crotona Park

Indian Rock Overlooks Crotona Park Lake Polished by the forces of erosion, and then delivered by a glacier, The Indian Rock stood sentinel on a hill overlooking Indian Lake. Four smooth, well-worn grooves in the rock provided a grip for my Keds in order to reach its crest. Damn! Why do I play handball? I could… Continue reading Join Me in a Visit to Crotona Park

My Best Correspondent

Mail to a hungry GI was on a par with C-ration’s only mouth watering premium delight – Franks and Beans. Elaine was one of the contacts I had with the homefront. After a sniper killed Lapich and Rutledge near their bunkers, her mail broke the drudgery of cautiously blending in with my surroundings. Although I… Continue reading My Best Correspondent

Stickball, The Rational Pastime

Stickball, The Rational Pastime In the Bronx, The National Pastime evolved into The Rational Pastime – Stickball. The year was 1946. No sneaking onto the subway, no three quarters-of-an-hour walk to the Yankee Stadium, no charge of .55 cents for a seat in the bleachers, no coming home with a medium-rare sunburn. Stickball was the… Continue reading Stickball, The Rational Pastime

Good Old Golden Rule Days

At the beginning of ninth grade in Hermann Ridder Jr. H.S., a stranger entered our classroom – algebra. As an introduction, Miss Clarke said, “x could be anything and you will have to find the solution to solve it.” Well, if x could be anything, could it be that Nazi janitor across the street from my apartment building?… Continue reading Good Old Golden Rule Days